Monday, September 27, 2010

Class Constitution

We, the people of Period Three AP Lit, will strive to:

- Enter class with an open mind
- Support each other
- Respect varying opinions
- Contribute our insight even when unsure of ourselves
- Be as prepared as possible in order to engage in meaningful conversations
- Be positive
- Go deeper into topics rather than to cover more topics
- Challenge each other nicely
- Listen to each other
- Be open to new ideas about books, poems, etc
- Participate to the best of our abilities
- Make educated comments and support ideas with evidence
- Refrain from interruptions or talking over others
- Avoid dominating
- Avoid engaging in distracting side conversations
- Avoid judging
- Avoid becoming so unfocused as to distract others
- Avoid redundancy
- Avoid senior slide
- Avoid simply staying on the surface of a topic
- Avoid taking things personally

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