Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break Poems

These were great. Post them if you're so inclined.


  1. We slip into the stuffy salon
    I know he’s really nervous
    But, I swear, I’m doing him a service.
    There’s a disheveled stack of nineties hair magazines,
    But all the styles look like they are for Halloween.
    His name is called and back he is hauled.
    Tick Tock Tick Tock
    Snip Clip Snip Clip
    The hair falls to the ground.
    A nose appears, and then two eyes.
    His hair will no longer be a disguise.

  2. Nothing to do but do nothing.
    Motionless, paralyzed,
    I melt beneath the majesty
    Of the sun.

    Petrified of the vastly unfamiliar nature
    Of the world that resides
    Beneath the surface of the sea,
    I swim in my own mind instead.

    Strangers, clouds, and streams of color
    Flood all around me
    As time is suspended in the golden air.
    The sea rushes and recedes
    Just beneath my feet,
    And as my eyelids surrender to the heat of the sun,
    I withdraw from the world
    In willing and blissful defeat.

  3. Touch down neat on the sticky black top
    Removed far from the favela
    No frowns just sweet smell
    Clutch a minty rum with a pink umbrella

    Tricky taxis and bandit bartenders
    Swilling cash and cubes
    in pockets in glasses
    Till the parents turn backs
    Till the morality surrenders
    But only when
    simple logic
    the pleasure surpasses

    Glazed like donuts
    Eyes fit in dazed sockets
    Projectile vomit flies
    like vile ceramic Moon Palace bound rockets
